🇸🇪 RISE ICE Data center was granted an I-Space Platinum level by BDVA

Press release from RISE


cloud edge data ai innovation

BDVA grants a label for European Data Innovation Spaces and Hubs to help drive forward Big Data adoption and AI-based innovation across all domains within European industry. Every year, existing hubs can obtain a label as a “BDVA i-Space”, after an evaluation process based on comprehensive criteria.

The label is granted in five grades: Starter, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. These grades are aligned with the maturity and potential impact of the candidates in six main domains: infrastructure and data, services, projects in sectors, ecosystem and impact, sustainability and federation. Seven I-Spaces are at the highest level platinum.

Jeanette Nilsson
+46 10 228 44 63

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Tor Björn Minde

+46 70 624 29 59

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Originally published on 12 December by RISE.

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