🇾đŸ‡Ș Strategic investment: Why Markbygden Net is moving to Boden


Vy över Markbygdens vindkraftpark med rader av vindturbiner mot en skogsbeklÀdd terrÀng och en klarblÄ himmel.

Markbygden Net is tasked with connecting the wind farm in Markbygden to the national 400 kilovolt (kV) grid (transmission grid). Now it’s time to take the next step, and when the company analyzed the future, Boden was chosen.

Since its inception in 2011, Markbygden Net has been a key player in connecting Europe’s largest onshore wind farm in Markbygden, which is estimated to generate up to 12 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity annually, equivalent to about eight percent of Sweden’s current electricity production. Their mission is to connect 420 wind turbines, including the largest switchgear in the Nordic region with a capacity of 1700 Megawatts (MW), a technical achievement that is now fully operational and will be a vital part of the region’s energy supply.

Technicians in safety clothing inspect a large Siemens-branded transformer on an electrical substation under a cloudy sky.
A transformer that converts 33 kV and 150 kV to 400 kV so that electricity can be connected to the national grid. Photo: Tobias Hannu, Markbygden Net

ElnÀtsbolaget was established in 2011 and has since then had strong links to the project in Markbygden. For better or for worse.

– We have found that it is not easy to understand the difference between our role and other actors with similar company names. For example, Markbygden Ett is a customer of ours, but they are an electricity producer, while we are an electricity network company that transports and transforms the produced electricity. Otherwise, we only share the name,” says Anders Eriksson, CEO of Markbygden Net.

Moving the headquarters

In 2023, Markbygden Net was acquired by the electricity network company Ellevio, initiating a new phase of expansion and development. The strategic analysis carried out led to a clear decision: Boden, and in particular the growing area of SĂ€vast, is the location for the establishment and the starting point for future expansion. Here, midway between Boden and LuleĂ„, Markbygden Net sees great opportunities to be a driving force in the region’s new industrialization and therefore chooses to move its headquarters to Boden Business Park.

– SĂ€vast places us at the heart of the new industrialization. Here we can become an even bigger part of the green transition and create new business opportunities.

Key players

According to Anders Eriksson, Markbygden Net differs from its competitors by specializing in connecting customers who handle large amounts of energy. Both energy producers and consumers with electricity-intensive activities. A need that will exist among the green industries of the future, such as H2 Green Steel in Boden.

Another asset he highlights is the company’s ability to offer flexible and quick solutions.

– We are able to be transparent, fast and flexible in our solutions in a way that is currently a major challenge for our competitors. We can offer both the service of a small company and the expertise of a large group backed by Ellevio, which is a huge advantage for us. This means that we can be quick in the decision-making process and create customized solutions for customers,” says Anders Eriksson.

Portrait of Anders Eriksson, CEO of Markbygden Net, in a dark shirt with the company logo, smiling at the camera with a neutral background.


Boden municipality sees the electricity industry as an important part of the green transition, where companies like Markbygden Net are key players and strengthen Boden’s position in the work towards a more sustainable society.

Do you want to be part of the green transition and know more about the opportunities for our electricity-intensive industries? Contact Boden Business Park’s business development officer HĂ„kan Nordin.

Originally published on 18 April by BodenNXT.

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