🇸🇪 Virtual music studio for remote creation


Press release from Luleå University of Technology

With 5G technology, opportunities are opened up for several musicians to be able to simultaneously create music remotely with minimal delay.

Luleå University of Technology and the development company BD Pop have started a collaboration with the goal of creating a virtual studio where musicians can produce music without geographical restrictions.
“The development will take place cross-border and location-independent between the music and gaming industry, academia and business developers”, says Michael Nilsson, project manager at LuleÃ¥ University of Technology.

The project is carried out within the framework of Let’s Create Music, a cross-sector innovation project at LuleÃ¥ University of Technology.
“We see the need for an arena where creators work with music creation regardless of geographical location”, says Pär Soini, CEO of BD Pop.

Digital creative environment

The project is based on two preparatory studies that examined the needs and specified technical obstacles. One wish that came up was a virtual studio, something that the project will develop together with the gaming industry.
A huge problem in digital songwriting sessions is the delays in the communication. But with 5G technology, opportunities are opening up for several musicians to be able to create music at the same time with minimal delay. Part of the work will therefore be to carry out technology evaluations and tests in the university’s 5G environments.

Sustainable music production

“We want to enable sustainable music creation and production regardless of geographical location”, says Annica Bray, project manager at LuleÃ¥ University of Technology.

This means that the need to travel is reduced and it also makes it easier to collaborate with musicians all over the world.
“We must strengthen entrepreneurship and contribute to innovation-based companies and sustainable growth within the industry. We will create a platform that provides a unique opportunity for music production, wirelessly at a distance”, Annica Bray continues.

Can attract internationally

Also participating in the project are Anna-Karin Gullberg, researcher and senior lecturer in pedagogy at Luleå University of Technology, and producer and songwriter David Lindgren Zacharias. He sees great opportunities with the project, which he believes can attract both national and international collaborations through, among other things, virtual gatherings and masterclasses.

5G test environments

The work focuses on the creative process where 5G enables musicians to work in the place where they are most creative, without technical barriers. The university provides the technical expertise and a number of 5G test environments. BD Pop contributes with its knowledge in music production, creation and its network with songwriters.
The project is financed with funds from the European Regional Development Fund, Region Norrbotten, Luleå Business Region, Skellefteå Municipality, Sparbanken Nord and is to be completed in March 2026.

About BD Pop

BD Pop is a development company for popular music from Norrbotten with the task of supporting regional artists and music productions.

Region Norrbotten and the municipalities Boden, Jokkmokk, Luleå, Pajala, Piteå, Älvsbyn, Överkalix and Övertorneå are co-owners of BD Pop

Phone: +46 (0)920 492306
Organisation: Digital Services and Systems, Distance- Spanning Technology, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering

Originally published on 29 March.

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