🇫🇮 Preparations for Balticconnector’s repairs progress on schedule

February 15, 2024

Gasgrid Finland and the Estonian gas network operator Elering noticed an unusual drop in pressure in the Balticconnector undersea gas connection pipe that runs between the countries from the morning of October 8, 2023. The pipe section was isolated shortly after the discovery by closing the Balticconnector’s valves. Due to the unusual drop in pressure, it was reasonable to suspect that the cause of the incident was damage and the resulting leak. The gas leak caused by the verified damage in the pipe section was stopped with the isolation of the pipe section and the closing of the valves. At the moment, the gas pipeline transfer between Finland and Estonia has been interrupted. The state of the Finnish gas system is stable, and the supply of gas from the Inkoo LNG terminal is secured.

Preparations for the repair of the Balticconnector offshore pipeline have progressed accoprding to plan in cooperation with Gasgrid and Elering. The companies have made a decision on 15 February 2024 to begin the practical preparations required to start the repairs. The repair work at sea is planned to start in early March. The materials used in the repairs have been prepared and the key partners for the repair works have been selected. The estimated commissioning date of the pipeline is 22 April 2024, provided that the soon-to-begin repair works can be carried out as planned. Gasgrid Finland has been following the development of the ice conditions in the Gulf of Finland, and according to current assessments, the ice situation does not cause an immediate obstacle to the start of the repair works. However, the development of ice conditions remains in an essential role for the implementation of the repair works and the overall repair schedule. If the weather conditions worsen, based on current information, Gasgrid Finland anticipates that the repair works may need to be paused for a while until weather conditions are more favorable again, which may cause a delay in the completion of the repair works. The planned duration of the repair works is approximately 4 weeks, after which an inspection can be carried out, and the pipeline can be recommissioned.

The state of Finland’s gas system is stable and the conditions for gas supply have been secured

The situation of the Finnish gas system is stable, and the conditions for sufficient gas supply in terms of transmission capacity and capacities of alternative procurement channels are secured. Market players have been instructed to ensure the supply of gas needed by ordering it to the Inkoo or Hamina LNG terminal, so that the continuity of gas supply is secured during winter.

Gasgrid Finland will provide more information about the development of the situation on its website www.gasgrid.fi as soon as more information is available.


More information:

Janne Grönlund, SVP, Gasgrid Finland Oy, +358 40 036 8825

Gasgrid Finland Oy is a Finnish state-owned company and transmission system operator with system responsibility. We offer our customers safe, reliable and cost-efficient transmission of gases. We actively develop our transmission platform, services and the gas market in a customer-oriented manner to promote the carbon-neutral energy and raw material system of the future. Find out more: www.gasgrid.fi/

Originally published on 15 February by Gasgrid.

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