đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź Volare partners with Alltech Fennoaqua, Kalankasvatus VÀÀrĂ€niemi and Kalavapriikki to bring insect-fed rainbow trout to the Finnish market


Sustainable Finnish rainbow trout

Four companies have partnered to bring a trial batch of rainbow trout to the Finnish markets that has been fed with an insect ingredient. Bringing novel sustainable protein ingredients to the fish diets is important as ingredients are the source of most environmental impacts in the rainbow trout value chain. A trial batch of approximately 150 000 kg of rainbow trout will be fed with the new feed and will be available to consumers in winter 2024-2025.

A partnership to renew the rainbow trout industry one step at a time

This unique collaboration in the Finnish aquaculture industry involves Kalavapriikki, Kalankasvatus VÀÀrÀniemi, Alltech Fennoaqua and Volare. Together, they are launching, for the first time in Finland, a new concept where a small share of traditional feed ingredients are partially replaced with sustainable insect meal. Volare farms insects at its HyvinkÀÀ facility, producing high-quality protein meal. Alltech Fennoaqua manufactures the feed at its Raisio factory, Kalankasvatus VÀÀrÀniemi farms the rainbow trout, and Kalavapriikki handles distribution.

Initially, the insect meal inclusion rate is limited to facilitate testing in a real-world commercial setting. “We are renewing the industry step by step through strong partnerships across the value chain. This is just the first step with significant future potential,” says Tomi Kantola, CEO at Alltech Fennoaqua.


A sustainable solution for aquafeed

Insect protein production upcycles by-products from food production, thus keeping them within the food chain. Feed ingredients play an important role in reducing the environmental impact of fish farming, and therefore it is important to develop and test sustainable, circular economy-based, and healthy ingredients for fish.

Volare produces black soldier fly larvae meal by upcycling food industry side streams. “Insects are a part of rainbow trout’s natural diet and have significant environmental benefits over conventional feed ingredients. Volare has a unique approach to production, with significant energy savings, non-fossil production and zero waste,” highlights Jarna Hyvönen, Chief Commercial Officer at Volare


Catering to consumer wishes

“Our customers want tangible sustainability actions. We have learned that the best concrete steps forward include many parties in the value chain – no one can do this alone. It is really inspiring to work with VÀÀrĂ€niemi and Fennoaqua, with whom we are continually re-inventing the fish industry in Finland to serve our customers even better,” says Jari Korhonen, CEO at Kalavapriikki.

The trial batch of rainbow trout products will be available to consumers throughout Finland in winter 2024-2025.

Originally published on 19 June by Volare.

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