🇮🇸 First strategy group meeting of the Iceland Eco-Business Park
Press release from Iceland EcoBusiness Park
On Thursday 23rd of November, the strategy group of the Iceland EcoBusiness Park (IEBP or Græn Iðgarðurinn in Icelandic) met for the first time in Keflavík. The group is composed of 16 diverse stakeholders from Iceland and abroad.
The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the group to each other and explain the vision of the IEBP. They were then invited to a small workshop to discuss their vision of the main entrance of the building, the Heart, and how together we can create the IEBP community mindset.
It was a fruitful meet with a dynamic group which added to its success. We want to thank all the participants for their commitment and belief in the IEBP mission. Our next meeting will be held in the first half of 2024 at the IEBP’s new offices.
The executive summary of the meeting can be found HERE and it is open for sharing. The outcomes of the meeting is also share below in this article.
The Strategy Group Members are:
Alexandra Leeper, Managing Director, Head of R&D, Iceland Ocean Cluster
Arni Gisli Árnason, Director of the administration & finance department, Suðunesjabær
Bergný Jóna Sævarsdóttir, Head of Sustainability, Kadeco
Finn Erik Solvang, Founder, Rockpore
Halldóra Guðrún Jónsdóttir, Assistant to the mayor, Reykjanesbær
Hrólfur Jónsson, Managing director, Vísindagarðar HÍ
Jón Ásgeirsson, Executive VP Strategy and Resource Park, HS Orka
Kjartan Már Kjartansson, Mayor, Reykjanesbær
Klemenz Sæmundsson, Principal, Fisktækniskólinn
Kristján Ásmundsson, Principal, Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja
Magnús Stefánsson, Mayor, Suðurnesjabær
Ólafur Eysteinn Sigurjónsson, Dean of the School of technology, HR
Páll Kr. Pállsson, Operation engineer, Haskóli Reykjavík
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, Rektor/President, HR
Þóra Óskarsdóttir, Representative, Fablab Iceland
Þórey Einarsdóttir, Deputy CEO, Vísindagarðar HÍ
A little bit more in depth:
SWOT analysis of the IEBP
One of the question asked to the group was to do a SWOT analysis of the IEBP. This analysis is a framework for strategic planning and allows a business to better understand all its internal and external factors influencing its activities. SWOT stand for Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Word cloud on the community mindset
The group brainstormed on all the possibilities to build the community mindset in the IEBP within the Heart of the building. It will be a place where people want to gather and connect, a place of interaction with different sectors and generations. A word cloud was created to represent the answers of the group.
The Iceland EcoBusiness Park (IEBP) is a large co-working space of 28,000 sqm based in Helguvík (Iceland) with emphasis on circular economy businesses and innovation. It re-purposes an aluminium smelter and by doing so recovers 20,000tons of estimated CO2 emissions.
If you are interested in renting a space at the IEBP, contact us at ju*****@ie**.is
Originally published on 4 December by Iceland Eco-Business Park
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