🇮🇸 Klak: Sea Growth was awarded the Gold Medal 2024

February 15, 2024

The tense atmosphere did not hide itself when the results of Gullegg 2024 were announced. The top three places and the most popular team in the opinion of the public were announced.

Sea Growth won the Golden Medal 2024, but they introduced the idea of producing raw fish products from fish cells, i.e. so-called ecological fish. A representative of Landsbanki awarded the team a grand prize of ISK 1 million. Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Minister of Universities, Industry and Innovation presented Birgitta GS Ásgrímsdóttir, Alexander Schepsky, Martin Uetz and Sigrúna Guðjónsdóttir with a medal specially designed by Kamilla Henriau for Gulleggið 2024.

FairGame came in second place, but Jóhannes Ólafur Jóhannesson and Jón Levy Guðmundsson put children’s experience first, using artificial intelligence, the platform is trained with the results of games and finds the real strengths of the teams so that our children get fair challenges.

In third place came Thorexa with the four people Þór Tómasarson, Indriða Thoroddsen, Bjarna Þór Gíslason, Írisi Líf Stefánsdóttir for the idea of building an email response to the mails that are received based on previous mails and the company’s data. This will reduce the writing time of the workers and imitate their writing style.

The public voted for the most popular team on Gullegg’s website, and the Flöff – textile processing team received the prestigious award. Flaff – the textile industry develops a new method of reusing unusable textiles domestically. With the right equipment, it is possible to shred textiles and create new material. First, we are going to look at textile waste from companies, eg employee clothing, and bring that textile back into circulation and at the same time create value for companies.

Vigdís Hafliðadóttir is well known to many Icelanders. The singer, actress, comedian, playwright was a presenter at Gulleggin 2024 and captivated the audience with her brilliance and joy and set the tone in the packed festival hall of the Gróska ídaváhús.

Published on the VÍSIS website 09022024

Originally published on 15 February by Klak.

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