🇳🇴 Norwegian Offshore Wind: Cluster Meeting 2024
We invite all of our 400 member companies to kickstart the year with our annual Cluster Meeting in Stavanger.
We are delighted to invite you to the Norwegian Offshore Wind 2024 Cluster Meeting in Stavanger January 9th-10th!
2024 will be a year packed with exciting export opportunitues and important milestones for the home market in Norway. During these days in Stavanger, we will inform you on the recent developments and present to you the offshore wind activities planned in 2024. You will be able to meet and network with other members, both supply chain and developers. We are also planning for physical meetings in the working groups and social activities in the evening.
Program details will be published, but please save the dates and sign up.
Hotel must be booked separately.
Book you hotel here:
Thon Partner Stavanger Forum Hotel (www.thonhotels.no)
Standard room: 1495 kr – Upgraded room 1795 kr
Use bookingcode: 30246391
Would you like a stand at the Cluster Meeting? The expo area is an excellent way to showcase your company. Please book here!
We look forward to seeing you in Stavanger!
Program 9th January
Time | Event | Speakers | Location |
08:30 |
Registration, coffee and networking |
Main stage | |
10:00 |
Welcome |
Arne VatnøyModerator
Main stage |
10:05 |
Updates from the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy |
Ola HermansenSenior advisor, Departement of Energy
Main stage |
10:20 |
DNV Energy Transition 2023 |
Anna Kringlen ErvikDNV
Main stage |
10:35 |
Global offshore wind trends and the national export initiative |
Eli W. RognerudHead of Strategic Export Priorities, Innovasjon Norge
Main stage |
10:45 |
Short presentation of workgroups and their leaders |
Main stage | |
11:05 |
NOW Activities |
Arvid NesseCluster Manager, Norwegian Offshore Wind
Main stage |
11:20 |
NOW Accelerator – Start-ups and Scale-ups |
Narve HansenAccelerator Manager, Norwegian Offshore Wind
Main stage |
11:30 |
Main hall | |
12:30 |
Parallel sessions in 3 different meeting rooms, see below for details |
13:30 |
14:00 |
Parallel sessions in 4 different meeting rooms, see below for details |
15:30 |
Membership meeting and Board election |
Arvid NesseCluster Manager, Norwegian Offshore Wind
Main stage |
19:00 |
Dinner and entertainmentJon Ensor is a successful international entertainer and award-winning magician and mind-reader. His exclusive client list includes Royalty and International stars around the world. Ensor is also known for his dry British humour. |
Jon EnsorEntertainer
Main hall |
Parallel sessions
Time | Event | Speakers | Location |
12:30 |
Intelligent Operations with AI & Emerging Technology |
Tom Einar NybergPartner, KPMG
Meeting room 1 |
13:00 |
Early and lower-cost site characterization data: the Utsira Nord multi-client experience |
Ivar SlengesolVP New Energy Solutions, TGS
Meeting room 1 |
12:30 |
Development of floating offshore substations |
Ole AngellBD New Business/Management support Norway, Semco Maritime
Meeting room 2 |
13:00 |
Anchoring solutions and alternative configurations on floating wind farms |
Jon Tore LiengManaging Director, Deep Sea Anchors
Meeting room 2 |
12:30 |
C/SOV Market Update – still in balance? |
Jesper SkjongMarket Analyst, Fearnley Offshore Supply AS
Meeting room 3 |
13:00 |
Global market analysis for 2024 |
Susanne Starheim-GrøtterDirector Business Development, Esgian
Meeting room 3 |
13:30 |
14:00 |
Skills & EducationIn this session we will cover evaluations of the skills needs for industry, together with ongoing relevant projects, and initiatives by the university and college sector to meet them. |
Christopher HarmanInnovation Manager, Norwegian Offshore Wind
Rune KlausenNational Competency Centre
Frank Emil MoenCEO, Energy Innovation
Atle BlomgrenSeniorforsker, NORCE
Lene JørgensenFørsteamanuensis, HVL
Geir GrasmoProfessor, UiA
Paulo Cesar RibasFørsteamanuensis, Høgskolen i Molde
Meeting room 1 |
14:00 |
Ports & InfrastructureNorwegian Ports on track to solve capacity issues for offshore wind development in Europe |
Astrid GreenBusiness development manager, Norwegian Offshore Wind
Leon LammersProject Manager Port development and offshore wind, Royal HaskoningDHV
Tommy SandtorvKommersiell direktør, Karmsund Havn
Patrick BergerBusiness Development Director, Norwegian Promotion Group
Pierre MajorVP Business development, OCS
Meeting room 2 |
14:00 |
IP AdvisoryEverything You Always Wanted to Know About Intellectual Property (But Were Afraid to Ask) |
Håkon Tysnes KaasinAttorney-at-law (MNA), Partner, Bryn Aarflot
Eirik Goksøyr ChristensenEuropean Patent Attorney, M.Sc., Bryn Aarflot
Meeting room 3 |
14:30 |
Insurability for Bankability |
Jon Arne NesgårdSenior broker, Gallagher Parisco AS
Michael J. AndrewSenior broker, Gallagher Parisco AS
Meeting room 3 |
14:00 |
Cost reduction – A practical approach for cost saving initiatives |
Jørgen JordeAvdelingsleder grønn- og bærekraftig teknologi, Westcon group
Bjørg Mathisen DøvingVP Reach Remote, Reach Subsea
Bjørn SimonsenCEO, World Wide Wind
Meeting room 4 |
Program 10th January
Time | Event | Speakers | Location |
09:30 |
Panel debate: How to secure Norwegian supply chain in projects abroad |
Siri Espedal KindemHead of Equinor Renewables Norway
Erik DugstadSVP, Vårgrønn
Knut VassbotnCEO, Deep Wind Offshore
Main stage |
09:50 |
METCentre update and how can test projects develop supply chain? |
Cecilia Girard-VikaProject Manager, Norwegian Offshore Wind
Main stage |
10:00 |
Supply chainPort development in the North Sea: Great potensial for building supply chain |
Leon LammersProject Manager Port development and offshore wind, Royal HaskoningDHV
Main stage |
10:15 |
Floating Wind Days 2024 |
Caroline WhittleDirector, Floating Wind Days
Main stage |
10:30 |
B2B meetings |
Main hall | |
12:30 |
Lunch and end of meeting |
Main hall |
Originally published on 8 January by Norwegian Offshore Wind.
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