🇾đŸ‡Ș BodenNXT: Historic agreement for a safer workplace

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H2 Green Steel and Byggnads Norrbotten have signed a unique agreement to improve working conditions at the steel plant project in Boden The union now hopes that more companies will follow the steel company’s lead.

H2 Green Steel has entered into a cooperation agreement with the union Byggnads Norrbotten. The agreement is a central part of H2 Green Steel’s ten-point program aimed at ensuring high-quality working conditions and combating workplace crime at the construction of their new steel plant in Boden.

– We are not just going to produce a sustainable product but also build something sustainable and do it in a way that is good for the people involved in building it,” says Mikael Lindström, Public Affairs Director at H2 Green Steel.

Mikael Lindström, H2 Green Steel.

Three C’s at the centre

The agreement includes access to H2 Green Steel’s electronic staff ledger, regular follow-up of collective agreements, and a trade union office at the construction site. These measures are complemented by a systematic approach focusing on the three Cs: Command, Control and Consequences.

– It feels great. We have been working on this for two years. For us, this is an important part to be able to carry out the construction in a safe and sustainable way,” says Mikael Lindström.

H2 Green Steel’s ten-point program includes requirements for Swedish collective agreements, a limitation on the number of subcontracting levels, ID checks, company checks, and close cooperation with relevant authorities. The program is designed to strengthen both working conditions and competitiveness in the industry, while also making the sector more attractive to workers.

Historic agreement

Joakim Lindholm, chairman of Byggnads Norrbotten, emphasizes the importance of the collaboration:

– This is a historic agreement that is based on the Swedish model of collective bargaining and gives us a greater opportunity to handle union matters against companies. . We look forward to more industry players following this example,” he says.

H2 Green Steel, founded in 2020, is a pioneering company focused on decarbonizing the steel industry through the use of green hydrogen. With its headquarters in Stockholm and a first plant under development in Boden, the company represents a new era in sustainable industrial production.