🇸🇪 Now H2 Green Steel starts building at height

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Another milestone has been reached for H2 Green Steel at Boden Industrial Park.

After more than a year of land preparation and foundation work, the first part of the future steel plant has now been assembled on site. A crowd of media followed the event as the steel column was lifted and placed on the foundation.

– It is a year of hard work behind this and therefore a proud moment for me personally and for the company. Something that we will be able to look back on in two years and see as a milestone,” says Jeff Gehlhoff, project manager at H2 Green Steel.

Construction now continues with the installation of 100s of similar steel columns that will serve as the supporting foundations of the steel plant.

Watch the video and hear more from Jeff Gehlhoff:

Originally published on 20 November by BodenNXT.

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