🇸🇪 Uniper and Stegra sign electricity contract

Högspänningsledningar som sträcker sig över ett snötäckt vinterlandskap, med en solnedgång i bakgrunden som färgar himlen i rosa och orange toner. Snötäckta träd omger området, vilket skapar en naturskön och fridfull atmosfär.

Uniper and Stegra have signed a six-year agreement for the supply of 6 TWh of electricity to Stegra’s plant in Boden.

In a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with Uniper, Stegra secures an annual supply of electricity produced during the period 2027-2032, totaling 6 TWh.

Stegra’s plant in Boden will produce green hydrogen, green iron and green steel on a large scale. The initial annual volume will be 2.5 million tons of green steel and operations will start in 2026.

Significant volumes of electricity are needed to power the 700 MW electrolysis plant that will generate green hydrogen, which in turn will reduce iron ore into green sponge iron that will feed steel production at Stegra’s plant in Boden. Through this cooperation with Uniper, Stegra has secured another important part of its electricity supply.

– We are proud to support the ongoing transition of the energy system by being a reliable and innovative partner to industrial customers,” says Johan Svenningsson, CEO, Uniper Sweden.

– “The agreement with Uniper is the basis for a strategic partnership with a player that can provide us with long-term access to electricity for our plant in Boden, which will produce green hydrogen, green iron and green steel on a large scale. This electricity supply is central to our strategy and an important step towards accelerating the reduction of industrial emissions in Europe,” says Arne Österlind, Head of Energy Portfolio at Stegra.


Originally published on 27 November by BodenNXT.

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