2025 projected to be record year for Icelandic tourism

By Elías Thorsson January 16, 2025
Keflavik Airport is projecting 2025 to be a record year for international travel to Iceland. (Melody Schreiber)

Iceland is on track to surpass its previous record for international tourism in 2025, with Keflavík International Airport projecting over 2.32 million international visitors, beating the 2018 record by 9,000 passengers, reports business publication Viðskiptablaðið.

“We anticipate moderate growth, making this the third-largest year for Keflavík Airport in terms of passenger numbers and the largest in terms of international tourist arrivals. This reflects the strong position of Keflavík Airport as a hub and of Iceland as a desirable destination, despite challenges in the past year,” said Guðmundur Daði Rúnarsson, Director of Business and Development at Keflavík Airport.

In total, nearly 8.4 million passengers are expected to pass through Keflavík Airport in 2025, up 0.8% from the 8.3 million recorded in 2024. During the peak summer months, 26 airlines will connect Iceland to 92 destinations, while 21 airlines will serve 70 destinations throughout the winter season.

A new terminal wing is set to open this year, which will enhance the airport’s infrastructure, enhancing the capacity to welcome increasing numbers of travelers.

“During the year, we will fully implement the new eastern wing of the terminal, including four new boarding gates that provide direct access to aircraft. This is an important milestone in improving the quality and services of the airport. This development strengthens us in international competition and creates a better experience for our guests and customers,” said Rúnarsson.