25-millionth tonne of oil produced at the Messoyakha project

By Alexander Norfolk February 2, 2022

Total production at Rosneft—Gazprom Neft joint venture Messoyakhaneftegaz now exceeds 25 million tonnes of oil since development starting at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field.

Approximately 500 production wells are now delivering around 18,000 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) per day from this license block, with 93 high-tech, high-drilling-complexity wells having been completed on the Messoyakha project in 2021.

Effective oil production volumes and production safety at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field have largely been secured through the use of digital technologies — Messoyakhanefegaz having launched an integrated field development centre, featuring a high-tech “digital twin” complex, in 2021. Computerised simulations of wells, pipelines, and oil and gas treatment facilities generate a digital replication of this standalone oilfield, synchronised with actual production processes and capable of replicating the full production cycle, from reservoir processes to oil delivery.

An effective geological prospecting programme throughout the Messoyakha group of fields has led to the discovery and quick commissioning of 10 new deposits, with total reserves of around 50 million tonnes of oil.

2021 saw Messoyakhaneftegaz commission a geo-technical monitoring complex, involving the use of energy-saving “green” technology, for its underground associated petroleum gas (APG) storage facility at the Zapadno-Messoyakhskoye field — part of a programme ensuring the optimum use of subsoil resources. This complex scans oil-rim gas-bearing strata round the clock, while ultra-responsive sensors monitor the technical parameters of hydrocarbon injection and distribution within the storage facility. More than 1.8 billion cubic metres (bcm) of APG have now been injected into the natural reservoir at the Zapadno-Messoyakhskoye field, ready for subsequent use.

The company plans to continue integrating computerised modelling into production, and to expand digital solutions in drilling, production, and oil processing and transportation in line with this standalone field’s geological features, as well as its major infrastructure resources — solutions applied so far having already proved their considerable effectiveness in working with hard-to-recover reserves in the Arctic region.

Other important areas include implementing sustainable development and responsible subsoil usage programmes, including the use of APG injected into the Zapadno-Messoyakhskoye underground storage facility, implementation of which will speed-up the development of potential reserves.

The original press release can be found on the Gazprom Neft website