800 university students attended the Golden Egg Science Tour


Press release from Klak

800 university students flew to Gróska to familiarize themselves with Gulleggið, the country’s largest and oldest entrepreneurial competition, which will be a record number of university students on a science trip. KLAK – Icelandic Startups and the RU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee launched the last Golden Egg 2023 science tour in Gróska where the main sponsors of the Golden Egg presented their operations. The musician Birnir took the song on the big stage in the heart of Gróska and went wild after the official opening of the last scientific tour for Gulleggið 2023 in Gróska’s auditorium. Freyr Friðfinnsson from KLAK started the science tour with a presentation of the Golden Egg in packed auditoriums.

The sponsors of The Golden Egg came forward and the managing director of Gróska, Vera Dögg Antonsdóttir, reviewed the theory behind Gróska to the great fascination of the attendees. Viggó Ásgeirsson, Head of Business Development at Landsbankinn’s Individual Division, took over and reviewed the Bank’s operations, as Landsbankinn has participated in the project since its inception or for the past 16 years. Gísli Herjólfsson, CEO and co-founder of Controlant, ended up reviewing Controlant’s involvement in the Golden Egg. Controlant won the competition in 2009 and on the company’s 15th anniversary, it is now one of the sponsors of the competition.

On Friday at four o’clock, the Golden Egg Bliss will be taken ahead and everyone is invited to Gróska to an event with Bergur Ebba, where entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to get to know each other and join forces before the start of the Golden Egg Masterclass.

The main sponsor of Golden Egg 2023 is Landsbankinn, which has participated in the project from the beginning, and other sponsors include Controlant, Origo, HVIN, the City of Reykjavík, Intellectual Property Office, Advania, Marel, Eyrir Invest, Promote Iceland, Technology Development Fund, Crowberry capital, KPMG, Ölgerðin, Brunnur, Kvika Asset Management, Gróska, Frumtak ventures, Vörður as well as Reykjavik University, University of Akureyri and University of Iceland.

Registration in Gulleggið is ongoing and takes place here – the last day to register is January 20th.

Gulleggið is carried out in collaboration with the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committees of the University of Iceland and HR. Annual receives Gulleggið cool individuals to join who burn for innovation and entrepreneurship but Gulleggið is largely led by volunteers from the ranks of high-caliber students.