A milestone in the energy exchange at Sundahöfn harbour


Press release from Eimskip

Today, Eimskip took into use shore power connection system for container vessels. This is an important milestone in regards to climate matters in Iceland and reduction of greenhouse gas emission and other air pollutants from the operations.

The project is a collaboration between Eimskip, the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate, the City of Reykjavík, Faxaflóahafnir and Veitur, as a letter of intent was signed for the development and operation of land connections for vessels in Sundahöfn in May 2020. The Norwegian company Blueday Technology AS designed and handled construction of the equipment for the shore power connection, with the engineering company Efla supervising the project.

Eimskip can now -operate its largest vessels on electricity instead of oil-powered auxiliary engines when in Sundahöfn. The benefit is a reduction in emissions as well as improved air quality and acoustics in the area, while the shore power connection reduces oil consumption by up to 240 tons per year, which equals 750 tCO2 emission.

These changes strengthen Eimskip’s journey to reduce emission of greenhouse gases in its operations, but all harbor cranes that the Company operates in Sundahöfn are already powered by electricity.

Vilhelm Thorsteinsson, CEO:
“It is very positive to see shore connection in Sundahöfn become a reality. It is of importance for us to participate in diverse environmental projects, especially in light of our manifold operations. The cooperation of all stakeholders involved in the project was successful and we know that when it comes energy exchange, success can only be achieved through cooperation.”


Originally published on 14 December.

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