Academy of Finland grants €5 million for Finnish-US research collaboration


Press release from the University of Oulu

The Academy of Finland has announced a €5 million award to encourage Finnish-US research collaboration. The funds will be used to support 11 Finnish project parties, while US parties will be supported by US funders.

Academy of Finland Grants €5 Million for Finnish-US Research Collaboration

The Academy of Finland, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) selected the funded projects, which will focus on areas such as the development of new solutions for the treatment of diseases such as cancer and novel AI-based communication technology for 6G mobile networks. In addition, the Academy has launched new joint requests with the NSF and NIH to promote additional scientific collaboration.

The University of Oulu has been selected to receive funding for four research projects as part of the Academy of Finland’s support for Finnish-US collaboration. Following projects will receive a total of 1.6M€ in funding.

“EE-THz – Energy Efficient THz Communications Across Massive Dimensions”
“Vision-Guided Wireless Communication Systems”
“6GWiCE – 6G Wireless Communications via Enhanced Channel Modeling and Estimation, Channel Morphing and Machine Learning for mmWave Bands”
“CRUISE – A Cross-system Architecture Design for Autonomous Wireless Networks based on Lifelong Machine Learning”

The projects focus on developing cutting-edge wireless communication technologies for upcoming 6G mobile networks, as well as incorporating machine learning into the design of autonomous wireless systems.

The project Principal Investigators include Italo AtzeniMehdi BennisMarkku Juntti, and Sumudu Samarakoon from Centre for Wireless Communications as well as Mikko Sillanpää from Research Unit of Mathematical Sciences. The funding period for the projects covers years 2023–2025.

Partnering with US universities

Italo Atzeni´s, EE-THZ project, which also includes Antti Tölli as co-PI, will cooperate with the University of California, Irvine (professor A. Lee Swindlehurst) and the San Diego State University (associate professor Duy H.N. Nguyen).

Mehdi Bennis cooperates with professors Walid Saad and Harpreet Dhillon Virginia TECH.

Markku Juntti and Mikko Sillanpää with 6GWiCE Project team will work together with professor Bhaskar D. Rao from University of California at San Diego (UCSD).

Sumudu Samarakoon and Aalto University’s Mario Di Francesco‘s CRUISE project cooperates with assistant professor Beatriz Lorenzo from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and professor Bing Liu from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Originally published on 15 December.

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