🇫🇮 🇵🇪 Ambassador of Peru gets to know Oulu’s ICT cluster

By Misha Radkevitch May 9, 2023

The Ambassador of Peru, Eric Anderson-Machado, at iProtoxy

By ICTOulu

At the end of April, the city of Oulu received a visit from Eric Anderson-Machado, Ambassador of Peru. Over the course of two days, ICTOulu was thrilled to be invited to introduce the city’s vibrant and innovative ICT ecosystem during Mr. Anderson-Machado’s stay. Additionally, he was able to meet representatives from a handful of companies within the region.

On the first day we went to the premises of iProtoxi for a series of company presentations alongside Macon and Wastebook. All three businesses share an approach to smart solutions that are also sustainable, whether it’s preventing environmental issues in electricity networks, providing energy-efficient thermal imaging or enabling smarter and cleaner waste management.

On day two the first stop was KNL. They are one of many businesses in the region producing high-quality connectivity solutions. This includes their Cognitive Networked HF Radio (CNHF), which automatically adapts it’s output to the user’s needs based on the operating environment. To conclude our whistle-stop tour, we met with Probot to see some of their cutting-edge robotics projects and find out how they plan to incorporate their work into several new markets such as mining and agriculture.

One of the things we learned during Mr. Anderson-Machado’s visit is that we have many companies in Oulu that have potential markets in Latin America. As traditional manufacturing industries and public sector work become more digitalised, this city’s ICT cluster is uniquely placed to bring their expertise to new and cutting-edge solutions in these locations. If your business is expanding into this region, please do contact us to learn more.

This article was produced by ICTOulu.

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