An important step for responsible utilization of Space


Press release from Swedish Space Corporation

SSC signed the ESA Statement for a Responsible Space Sector together with the main actors of the rapidly growing European space sector. This is another important step for SSC as a leading actor in the growing international space service sector.

– We strongly appreciate this initiative by ESA. To sign is in line with our ambition to help humankind benefit from Space by delivering advanced high quality and sustainable space services. Not the least, this is important for the new spaceport at Esrange Space Center, to be inaugurated in January 2023 as the first EU spaceport on the European continent, said Stefan Gustafsson, SSC Senior Vice President Strategy & Sustainable Business, after signing the document.

The ceremony, hosted by the Director General of ESA, Dr Josef Aschbacher, was held on 22 November in conjunction with the ESA Ministerial Conference in Paris.

– This is a significant step for the European Space Sector. With this the practical work can start. We have set the ambition for Europe to take the lead in responsible utilization of space, to support humanity today and for coming generations, Dr Aschbacher said.