Arctic Circle launches climate action award

The 100,000-Euro prize will be awarded at this fall's Arctic Circle Assembly conference in Reykjavik.

By Trine Jonassen, High North News April 14, 2021
The Arctic Circle Assembly, held annually in Reykjavik, Iceland, is one of the world’s largest Arctic events. (Arctic Circle)

The Iceland-based conference Arctic Circle Assembly has announced it will award a prize to a researcher or research team that can come up with the best bid to combat climate change.

The prize is called “The Frederik Paulsen Arctic Academic Action Award,” and will be awarded at the Arctic Circle Assembly, which will take place in Reykjavik from Oct. 14 to 17 this year.

Arctic Circle Assembly says it will collaborate to implement prize-winning ideas with the University of the Arctic.

The deadline for nominations is June 30, according to a press release.

The two organizations invites those who propose solutions to improve and reverse the effects of climatic change in one or more of the following categories:

  • Preventing and reversing climate change through technological developments that can be accomplished through concrete and practical implementation.
  • Containing and mitigating climate change through concrete actions and plans.
  • Proposals for regulatory and policy change by way of legislation.

In the statement, the Arctic Circle says that, “Solutions for growing climatic change will not come from hope alone. They will also not be found solely in future technological or current regulatory innovations. We must work together to solve the underlying causes of the ongoing transformation of our Arctic systems. We must harness all resources at our disposal.”