🇨🇦 NWT Chamber: Federal budget ‘a missed opportunity’ for Indigenous tourism, says industry expert

By Misha Radkevitch April 13, 2023

Originally published by NNSL Media on 13 April

Sébastien Desnoyers-Picard, VP of operations with Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada, speaks during a Tourism Town Hall at the Explorer Hotel on April 4. On the slide, federal Tourism Minister Randy Boissonnault is shown before a banner at the annual International Indigenous Tourism Conference in March. Photo by James O’Connor
Sébastien Desnoyers-Picard, VP of operations with Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada, speaks during a Tourism Town Hall at the Explorer Hotel on April 4. On the slide, federal Tourism Minister Randy Boissonnault is shown before a banner at the annual International Indigenous Tourism Conference in March. Photo by James O’Connor

The 2023 federal budget is “horrible for Indigenous tourism,” as it ignores calls for significant investments in the emerging sector that saw its flourishing growth wither during the global pandemic, says an industry leader.

“We’re nowhere near the investments that we feel is needed to fully recover… it’s just a missed opportunity,” Sebastien Desnoyers-Picard, VP of operations with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC), told a conference in Yellowknife last week.

For the full version of this article, visit NNSL Media

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