Bellona releases monthly environmental report on the Russian Arctic

October 9, 2024


Bellona Environmental Transparency Center publishes a monthly Arctic digest, where their advisors monitor events that impact the environment in the Russian Arctic. Their focus lies on identifying the factors that contribute to pollution and climate change. Bellona monitor new legislation, the plans of industry, the Northern Sea Route, international economic sanctions, accidents, and emergencies in the Russian Arctic, as well as provide commentary on the news.

In the new edition for August 2024 you will find:

Environmental and climate issues of the Arctic

– By 2100, the Arctic Ocean’s CO2 absorption capacity will decrease by 14% due to melting permafrost
– Svalbard glaciers melting five times faster than normal
– Nearly 400 hazardous abandoned sites in the arctic are in need of cleanup
– Russian Ministry of Natural Resources claims black carbon emissions from Arctic shipping don’t affect climate change
– Scientists warn of declining goose populations due to climate change

Heightened industrial activity in the Russian Arctic

– Yakutia approves mining development plan until 2035
– Gazpromneft expands operations in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous region
– Exploration of precious metal deposits begins in chukotka
International situation in the Arctic and sanctions affecting Russian activities in the Arctic region
– Norilsk Nickel entities face US sanctions for the first time
– US Treasury adds tankers and companies linked to Arctic LNG 2 to sanctions list
– Arctic LNG 2 project continues to expand production despite sanctions
– Vessel Tracking Systems Detect Three Gas Carriers Exporting LNG from Arctic LNG 2

Northern Sea Route and shipping

– Rosatom Developing “Great Northern Sea Route” Project from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok
–  2,603 Voyages on the Northern Sea Route in Two Years Under GlavSevmorput Management
– Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Introduces New Tools to Boost Arctic Shipping
– Northern Sea Route Faces Most Difficult Ice Conditions in 30 Years
– Putin Signs Decree to Establish Russian Maritime Collegium
– Container Ships from China Arrive in Arkhangelsk via Northern Sea Route

Accidents and emergencies in the Russian Arctic

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