Borisov puts share of Russian equipment in oil, gas industry at 60%

By Karla Dicker November 3, 2021

KHANTY MANSIYSK. Oct 22 (Interfax) – The share of domestic equipment in Russia’s oil and gas sector has already reached 60%, but import substitution must continue, Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov said.

“In the oil and gas sector, the share of equipment produced on the territory of Russia has increased by 5% since 2019 and reached 60%. We need to continue work in this direction, not slow the pace,” Borisov said at a meeting in Khanty Mansiysk on Thursday.

Borisov oversees the development of the Ural Federal District and in this capacity chaired a meeting with Khanty Mansi Autonomous District (KMAD) Governor Natalya Komarova, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (YNAD) Governor Dmitry Artyukhov and the Russian president’s envoy to this federal district, Vladimir Yakushev.

“KMAD and YNAD are regions where the lion’s share of our hydrocarbons – oil and gas – is produced, this is a very important component of our budget. We have devoted very many questions to the implementation of promising projects in this area. They are in and of themselves important for the nation, important for solving social issues, for the region. I’m in principle very pleased with this meeting,” Borisov said.

The Ural Federal District accounted for 50% of Russia’s oil production in 2020, or about 285 million tonnes, he recalled. This included 210.7 million tonnes produced in KMAD in 2020, 63.3 million tonnes in YNAD and 11.2 million tonnes in Tyumen Region.

The district is also home to major gas projects such as Yamal LNG and Arctic LNG 2, and is seeing commercial development of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves.

This article was originally posted on the website of Interfax.