Bulk HAVSIL – New Nordic Express Route to Europe Completed

By Alexander Norfolk March 15, 2022

New High-Capacity System to Serve as the Secure Main Fiber Route for International Data Traffic between Norway and continental Europe

OSLO, Norway–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#AuthorityBulk Fiber Networks, the Nordics’ leading provider of ultra-scalable, sustainable fiber networks, has completed the construction of the terrestrial segment of their new, high fiber-count system, HAVSIL. The diverse route is now ready for service and is the shortest route connecting Norway with continental Europe. It was selected by the Norwegian Communications Authority as the new secure fiber system for the nation’s international data traffic. The capacity of the HAVSIL system more than doubles the total capacity existing over any other subsea system connecting into Norway, providing almost “unlimited” capacity for the years to come.

Arelion, (formerly Telia Carrier) signed as an anchor customer and will be first to transit international data and services over the new route. The system has 192 fibers and connects data center to data center from Bulk’s ultra-scalable N01 Campus in Kristiansand to Bulk’s DK01 Campus in Esbjerg. This express route reduces latency and forms a diverse path to the longer and more congested legacy routes currently available. Great efforts were needed to make this possible. The new fiber route runs along the west coast of Denmark and had to be drilled 40 meters under the seabed of the Thyborøn Canal. The record-breaking drill hole is 1,950 meters end-to-end, longer than any other similar project ever performed in Denmark.

“The HAVSIL system is the new express route between Norway and continental Europe, offering the shortest high-capacity route in a sustainable way,” says Inger Gløersen Folkeson, EVP Fiber Networks and COO of Bulk Infrastructure Group. “Bulk continues to invest in high-value connectivity options needed by OTT networks, hyperscalers, enterprises and carriers to meet increasing data growth and to unlock the business potential of the Nordics.”

The direct-to-data-center system design, with N01 Campus and DK01 Campus powered by renewable energy, simplifies connection and increases reliability. The HAVSIL system consists of a subsea segment from Kristiansand to Hanstholm and a terrestrial segment connecting to Esbjerg with multiple modern and resilient telehousing facilities along the route. All are now all fully completed and ready for service.

About Bulk Fiber Networks

Bulk Fiber Networks is a leading builder and operator of fiber network infrastructure, tailor-made to meet the growing demands of large-scale data and cloud service providers in the Nordics, the US and Europe. We offer some of the shortest, lowest-latency international and intra-Nordic fiber routes available. To learn how Bulk Fiber Networks can help you connect into the Nordics, visit bulkinfrastructure.com and follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Bulk Fiber Networks is a division of Bulk Infrastructure, a leading provider of sustainable digital infrastructure in the Nordics.


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