China’s ambassador to Iceland calls for direct flights to link the two nations

Direct air connections would boost business ties as well as other cooperation, Ambassador Jin Zhijan told Morgunblaðið.

By Iceland Monitor March 23, 2018
Jin Zhijian, ambassador for China in Iceland. (Kristinn Magnússon /

Jin Zhijan, ambassador for China in Iceland speaking to Morgunblaðið says that he would like to strengthen the cooperation between Iceland and China in several fields.

As examples of those fields he cites the matters of the Arctic, geothermal heat and the travel industry. He would like direct flights between Iceland and China, a key factor, he believes, in a close cooperation between the two countries.

“I think it’s quite possible to begin direct flights between China and Iceland because there is a constant surge in people wanting to travel between the two countrie,” he said. He also pointed out that direct flights increase business between the two countries.