Doubling of solar cell installations in Norrbotten

By Lennart Håkansson, North Sweden Business February 16, 2024
Mari Sparr
Mari Sparr, research manager at the insurance company Länsförsäkringar’s Research Fund.

LULEÅ In 2023, the number of solar cells installed by private individuals increased by 98 percent in Norrbotten.

This shows statistics from the Swedish Tax Agency.

In Norrbotten, 496 installations of solar cells were made in 2023. It is a small part of Sweden’s total installations which were 120,000, also a doubling compared to the previous year. But the increase has taken off in the north.

“It is gratifying to see what a strong impact solar cells have had in Norrbotten over the past year. It is positive for both the climate and the wallet. To take care of their investment in the best way this year, it is important for new solar cell owners to think about proper winter maintenance,” says Mari Sparr, research manager at the insurance company Länsförsäkringar’s Research Fund.