Eclipse Metals recovers high-grade rare earths from Ivittuut historical drill core

By Karla Dicker November 18, 2021
Eclipse Metals ASX EPM Ivittuut historical rare earth results Greenland tin tungsten
The results indicate significant REE potential at surface from the Gronnedal-Ika carbonatite area of Eclipse’s Greenland project.

Eclipse Metals (ASX: EPM) has returned high-grade rare earth results during a review of historical drilling data from its Ivittuut cryolite project in southwestern Greenland.

Samples from historical drill core stored in a Greenland government facility for more than 50 years were analysed in an Australian lab to identify multi-commodity mineralisation within the project area.

Eclipse today announced that selected sections of drill core returned significant values for a range of heavy and light rare earth elements (HREE and LREE) in both the Ivittuut mine precinct and nearby Gronnedal-Ika carbonatite area.

Core from the Ivittuut mine precinct which contained fluorite yielded a total rare earth oxides (TREO) value of 536.6 parts per million, while Gronnedal-Ika carbonate samples returned values up to 22,695ppm TREO.

Samples of quartz core from the Ivittuut pit area also returned silica analyses ranging from 99.12% to 99.7%.

In addition, the Gronnedal-Ika results indicated very high europium values compared with other REE deposits.

“Europium, which is in extremely short supply around the world, has been recognised throughout the carbonatite intrusion at several times greater concentration than average for rocks elsewhere in this part of Greenland and many times that normally expected in carbonatites,” Eclipse reported.

The company believes the results confirm there is “excellent REE potential” particularly at surface in Gronnedal-Ika.

“The REE prospectivity fits well with our mission to excel in the commercialisation of metals and minerals demanded in the production of green energy and required by industry to reduce pollutants.”

“Historical exploration records indicate the potential for rapid development and production of cryolite, fluorite, quartz, REE, carbonate, zinc and siderite,” it added.

Forward plan

Eclipse said it is now progressing petrological and mineralogical determinations as a guide for future exploration.

Further surface samples from Gronnedal-Ika and the Ivittuut low-grade tailings dump are being dispatched to Australia for analysis for REEs, cryolite and quartz.

Review of Australian assets

The company said it is also reviewing its asset portfolio with a view to potentially “reposition assets to ensure an appropriate exploration and development focus can be maintained in relation to the Ivittuut project”.

As part of this review, Eclipse is in early-stage discussions with third parties regarding potential joint venture partnerships and other opportunities to advance its Australian projects.

The company’s Australian assets include 100% interests in uranium tenements in the Northern Territory and manganese projects in Queensland.

This article was originally posted on the website of Small Caps.