Explore Fairbanks Invites You to Start Your Virtual Vacation in Alaska Now

By admin January 13, 2021

FAIRBANKS, Alaska, April 23, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Grab a front row seat and start your virtual vacation now. Explore Fairbanks is showcasing five brand new virtual experiences including an exhilarating dog sled ride through a snowy pristine forest, a float down the Chena River on that perfect summer day and a panoramic mountain scene from nearby Murphy Dome. In addition, you can virtually experience the midnight sun, the northern lights and other extraordinary views of the Fairbanks region.

If armchair traveling is on your to-do list, Explore Fairbanks’ immersive 360-degree stills and videos have the power to virtually transport you to Alaska’s Golden Heart and actively explore like never before. Additional virtual immersive assets include a visit to Eagle Summit where the sun never dips below the horizon on June 21 (Summer Solstice), a captivating aurora show, the iconic downtown Fairbanks antler arch and more. Sure, it might not be the same as being here, but it’s the next best thing while you wait to visit Fairbanks when the time is right.

Another one-of-a-kind way to delve into virtual-type reality is via the Midnight Sun Tracker. The onset of the Midnight Sun Season was April 22 when the Midnight Sun Tracker took center stage on the Explore Fairbanks website. The Tracker calculates the number of daylight hours, including civil twilight, which people can experience in the sub-Arctic and Arctic areas of Fairbanks, Coldfoot and Utqiaġvik (formerly known as Barrow). For 70 straight days during Midnight Sun Season, Fairbanks experiences 24 hours of light. The Midnight Sun Tracker allows users to change the calendar and/or location and realize the radical shift in light throughout the year. Visit explorefairbanks.com to access the Midnight Sun Tracker, which is compatible with all devices including smartphones, tablets and desktops. In August, as the Midnight Sun Season winds down, the focus turns to the Aurora Tracker which predicts northern lights viewing in six different locations.


About Explore Fairbanks
Explore Fairbanks is a non-profit marketing and management organization whose mission is to be an economic driver in the Fairbanks region by marketing to potential visitors and optimizing the visitor experience. Explore Fairbanks markets Fairbanks as a year-round destination by promoting local events, attractions and activities to independent travelers, group tour operators, travel agents, meeting planners and the media as well as by developing public policy and infrastructure to achieve marketing objectives. Find out more at https://www.explorefairbanks.com/.

SOURCE Explore Fairbanks