GNWT releases 2021 Northwest Territories Mineral Exploration Overview

By Jordan Whittle April 19, 2022

Yellowknife — April 13, 2022

As the Northwest Territories (NWT) rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic, exploration and development in diamonds, gold, and several critical minerals bode well for the NWT economy in the coming year.

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, through the Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS), released its Overview of 2021 Mineral Exploration today.

Despite the pandemic, newly staked claims and several exploration and mining projects that rallied though 2021 are creating a favourable environment for future ventures.

A total of 68 new claims were staked and 20 prospecting permits were active during 2021. Significant progress was made in furthering work at a number of advanced exploration projects including Pine Point, Prairie Creek, and NICO.

The report describes the initial stages of mineral extraction at the Nechalacho rare earth minerals deposit. It also recognizes the completion of the Tłįchǫ all‐season road in November 2021 as an important infrastructure development to improve access to several potential mining projects.


“We are building on the history of exploration, proven geoscience and mining success that has been realized to take our mineral resources potential to the next level.

Thanks to our resource-rich geology and our unique and truly collaborative model for exploration and development, the NWT has an important opportunity to position itself on the supply chain for diamonds, gold and critical minerals while earning high grades for environmental, social and governance performance. “

– Caroline Wawzonek, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment

Quick facts

  • The Government of Canada has developed a list of 31 minerals considered critical for sustainable future economic growth. More than half of these can be found in the NWT.
  • During 2021-2022, the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI), with assistance from CanNor, awarded $1.5 million in Mining Incentive Program (MIP) grants to successful prospector and industry applicants, including 14 primarily for early‐stage and five for advanced-stage exploration projects.
  • Active mining and drilling is taking place in NWT by:

Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd., Rio Tinto, De Beers, Gold Terra Resource Corp., Arctic Star Exploration Corp., Mountain Province Diamonds Inc., North Arrow Minerals Inc., Nighthawk Gold Corp., Rover Metals Corp., with their joint venture partner Arctic Fox Minerals Corp., Golden Pursuit Resources Ltd., North Gold Mining Ltd., Osisko Metals Inc., NorZinc Ltd., Vital Metals Limited, Fortune Minerals.

Related links


For More Information, please contact: 

Drew Williams

Asst. Director Strategic Communications

Industry, Tourism and Investment

1-867-767-9202 (ext: 63037)


This news release was obtained from the Government of Northwest Territories website