Government of Yukon preparing study for a Mineral Exploration Fund

By Alexander Norfolk February 14, 2022

Published 03/02/2022

Government of Yukon officials are exploring a possible Mineral Exploration Fund to support junior mining companies. The Government of Yukon is preparing to launch a feasibility study to determine how a funding model could be structured to address the needs of the industry within a northern mining context. The Yukon government has engaged with its northern partners on the study scope of work and is looking forward to connecting with our pan-territorial counterparts during the course of the study and how the outcomes can benefit the northern territories.

Development of the fund is part of the Yukon government’s efforts to attract mining investment to the territory and maximize benefits to the Yukon’s economy. The mining sector represents a significant portion of the Yukon’s economy and provides employment to many Yukoners across the territory. The Government of Yukon is committed to supporting the sector to bolster our local and pan-territorial economy.

“Junior mining companies play a significant role in the Yukon’s mineral sector and our government recognizes their contribution to our local economy. Developing a Mineral Exploration Fund will encourage their activities, further diversify our mining industry and create jobs for Yukoners. I look forward to future conversations with my northern colleagues on this important initiative”

Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • Creating a Mineral Exploration Fund was included in Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai’s 2021 mandate letter.
The original press release can be found on the government for the Yukon website