Governor Dunleavy Creates Alaska Energy Security Task Force to Create Comprehensive Statewide Energy Plan

By Arctic Business Journal February 23, 2023

Press release from the Office of Governor Mike Dunleavy

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy issued Administrative Order 344, establishing the Alaska Energy Security Task Force.

The purpose of the task force is to develop a comprehensive statewide energy plan that will evaluate the energy generation, distribution, and transmission for the State of Alaska and its communities. The development of the plan will include collaborating with both the public and private stakeholders. The statewide energy plan, including proposed timelines and milestones, will be presented to the Governor upon completion.

“Despite Alaska’s position as a leading producer of energy, the cost of energy in Alaska, especially in our rural communities, is extremely high,” said Governor Mike Dunleavy. “As everyone has been reminded by the war in Ukraine, access to and cost of energy are influenced by global events. I’m establishing this task force to create a plan that will reduce Alaska’s vulnerability to fluctuating energy markets by securing dependable and affordable energy for Alaskan residents.”

On September 30th, 2022, Governor Dunleavy established the Office of Energy Innovation to provide a central point of focus for Alaska’s efforts to reduce the cost of energy for residents. The Task Force will provide recommendations on overall energy policy for the State of Alaska, as well as strategies and tactics to achieve its goal of reducing the cost of energy for Alaskans.

The task force’s initial report to the Governor shall be delivered by May 19, 2023. Once the report is received, further clarification and deliverables may be identified that would require additional work by the task force.

The Alaska Energy Security Task Force will consist of thirteen voting members and five ex officio members appointed by the Governor.

The voting members are as follows:

  • The Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation, or the Commissioner’s designee.
  • The Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, or the Commissioner’s designee.
  • The Executive Director of the Alaska Energy Authority, or the Executive Director’s designee.
  • One member from the University of Alaska with a background in energy.
  • One member from a utility that represents rural Alaska or a community receiving power cost equalization.
  • One member who represents a city, borough, or municipality.
  • One member with a Railbelt utility background.
  • One member from the oil and gas industry.
  • One member from the mining industry.
  • One member with a background in economic development.
  • One member from the business community.
  • One member from any segment of the Alaskan energy industry.
  • One member of the general public.

The five ex officio members of the task force are as follows:

  • One member from the Regulatory Commission of Alaska.
  • One representative from the Denali Commission.
  • One representative from the U.S. Department of Energy, Arctic Energy Office.
  • One member of the Alaska State Senate, appointed by the Senate President
  • One member of the Alaska House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House.

Alaskans interested in serving on the Alaska Energy Security Task Force may apply here: