Hagar hf .: From the nomination committee for the Annual General Meeting of Hagar hf. 2022

By mcghee April 3, 2022

March 22 2022: The Annual General Meeting of Hagar hf., ID no. 670203-2120, will be held on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.

Shareholders who wish to meet with the nomination committee or send a message to the committee in the run-up to the 2022 Annual General Meeting are advised to contact the nomination committee no later than 13 April. to the e-mail address nomination co*******@ha***.is.

Those who wish to apply for a seat on the board of Hagar hf. is advised to notify it in writing to the nomination committee of Hagar hf. no later than 22 April 2022 to the e-mail address ti***************@ha***.is. It is necessary for candidates to use the candidacy form which can be found here in the attachment and on Hagar’s website, where it is necessary to provide information about the background and qualifications of the candidate, in addition to explaining how the candidate fulfills the conditions of Hagar hf. with the Competition Authority from September 2018.

In addition to the candidacy form, further information on the nomination committee’s criteria for evaluating candidates can be found in the attachment and on Hagar’s website. See here: www.hagar.is/fjarfestar/hluthafafundir/.

The Nomination Committee’s proposals for candidates for the Board will be announced on 10 May.

This article was translated from Icelandic to English using Google Translate. The original press release can be found at GlobeNewswire.com.