Icelandic Prime Minister predicts another banking crisis

By Iceland Monitor September 12, 2017
Bjarni Benediktsson of the Independence Party gives a news conference in Reykjavik, Iceland November 2, 2016. REUTERS/Geirix
Bjarni Benediktsson gives a news conference in Reykjavik, Iceland November 2, 2016. (REUTERS / Geirix / file photo)

In an interview with Sky News, Iceland’s Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson spoke of the last financial crisis in Iceland and predicted a new one, although he can’t say when it will happen.

“When, I can’t say. Humans make mistakes, and greed will lead people to bad decision, that will happen again.”

In the exclusive interview with Sky News, Benediktsson says that Iceland’s actions had helped to “heal” the effects of the crisis and that he’s surprised that Britain hadn’t been tougher on their bankers.

“I think there’s frustration, from the outside world, that things were not at least investigated.

I’m not saying there was reason to prosecute all of those involved, but I feel that too little was done to investigate possible criminal acts elsewhere.”

The entire interview is available here.