Invitation to SSAB’s Capital Markets Day 2023
Press release from SSAB
SSAB invites institutional investors, financial analysts and journalists to the Capital Markets Day in Stockholm, Sweden, on March 28, 2023 and in Luleå, Sweden, on March 29. The Capital Markets Day provides an opportunity to get updated on SSAB’s strategy and plans for the transformation to fossil-free steel.
Agenda, March 28, Stockholm:
Venue: Epicenter, Mäster Samuelsgatan 36, Stockholm.
11:30 Mingle and light lunch at the venue
12.30 Presentations by SSAB’s President & CEO Martin Lindqvist and other members of top management
17:30 Presentations ends
18:00-21:00 Dinner at the venue
Agenda, March 29, Luleå:
09.00-10.00 Transfer from Luleå Airport to the SSAB site
10.30 Site visit at SSAB Luleå and HYBRIT pilot plant, including lunch
14.00 Program ends, transfer to Luleå Airport
Recommended flight to Luleå from Stockholm on March 29:
SAS SK1004, ARN 08:20 – LLA 09:35, return SK011, LLA 15:50 – ARN 17:10
Alternative flight:
Norwegian D84035 ARN 08:40 – LLA 10:00, return D84044, LLA 17:45 – ARN 19:05
To attend, please register through the following link:, no later than February 28, 2023.
It will also be possible to follow the presentations as a live webcast at
We look forward to your participation!
For further information, please contact:
Per Hillström, Head of Investor Relations, pe***********@ss**.com, phone: +46 702 95 29 12
Viktoria Karsberg, Head of Corporate Identity and Group Communications,
vi***************@ss**.com, phone: +46 72 233 5288
Originally published on 10 January.
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