Luleå Energi builds the county’s first battery park

By Lennart Håkansson, North Sweden Business January 26, 2024
Sofia Antonsen O Malin Larsson
Sofia Antonsen and Malin Larsson, Luleå Energi.

The municipally owned Luleå Energi will build Norrbotten’s first battery park, an investment of SEK 73 million.

The battery park is intended to be an important piece of the puzzle in the transition of the energy system in the region. It will be ready as early as this fall.”It is fantastic to be able to contribute to the development of the energy system. We are facing a few years of heavy investment to create the right conditions for the major transition that is taking place. We see opportunities to also develop the business that will also be able to help us carry the investments,” says Malin Larsson, CEO of Luleå Energi.The battery park will be a collection of large batteries with a total power of 12 MW and a battery capacity of 12 MWh. This is enough to drive an average electric car one and a half times around the world.”With the help of the batteries, Luleå Energi will be able to contribute to supporting the balance of the electricity grid locally, regionally and nationally. The batteries provide the opportunity to parry weather-dependent power generation such as solar and wind, as well as cut power peaks in the system,” says Sofia Antonsen, Head of the Development department at Luleå Energi.

The battery park will be built on Luleå Energi’s land in Porsödalen in Luleå. Svea Solar will build the battery park.

Luleå Energi is owned by Luleå municipality through Luleå Kommunföretag AB. The company has 200 employees and an annual turnover of just over SEK 1 billion.

Lennart Håkansson
