New project for tourism cooperation in the Arctic
LULEÅ Tourism organizations in northern Sweden, northern Finland and northern Norway are cooperating in the new project Arctic Europe Tourism Cluster, AETC.
The aim is to establish a network for sustainable year-round tourism in the three countries, where the preservation of the Arctic cultural heritage in the region is an important part. The aim is to strengthen the role of Arctic culture in tourism and develop year-round offerings.
The project is led by the three tourism organizations in the north: Swedish Lapland Visitors Board, Finnish Lapland Tourist Board and Northern Norway Tourist Board. Together with around 110 tourism companies, it aims to create a hospitality cluster that will improve the reception capacity in the region. In addition to attracting visitors, the aim is also to benefit the local population.
– The idea is that tourism should not cause damage or negatively affect the region, but rather actively revitalize and improve – renew it, says Annika Fredriksson, CEO of the Swedish Lapland Visitors Board in a press release.
Sustainability in various forms is highlighted.
– During this three-year project, we will develop the region’s potential in year-round and sustainable tourism with the hope that the cluster will mature and be strengthened to continue its development long after the project has ended, says Nina Forsell, Project Director of the Arctic Europe Tourism Cluster and CEO of the Finnish Lapland Tourist Board.
Funders of the project are: Interreg Aurora (EU), Region Norrbotten, Regional Council of Lapland, Troms County, Finnmark County, Troms, Finnmark and Nordland county international program, Troms Holding, Innovation Norway Arctic and the participating companies.
The project is a three-year project with a total budget of EUR 4.2 million and will end in 2026.
Lennart Håkansson