🇸🇪 New Report: Willingness to move to the North is increasing

By Misha Radkevitch June 22, 2023
The majority of the university’s students come from regions other than Norrbotten or Västerbotten. Photo: Thomas Bergman

Close to two out of three young adults can consider moving to Norrbotten and Västerbotten. This is shown by a new survey that Novus has carried out on behalf of LKAB. The fact that interest among students and job seekers has increased significantly from previous years is also positive for Luleå University of Technology.

More than every third person (35 %) is open to moving north themselves, and the willingness to move is most evident among young people. From last year 41 percent could consider moving, it is now 62 percent of respondents between the ages of 18 and 29 who can consider moving to northern Norrland. Looking at all who responded to the survey, the main reasons were closeness to nature (43 %), job opportunities (39 %) and less stress (21 %).

The majority of students at Luleå University of Technology come from regions other than Norrbotten or Västerbotten.

“The results of the survey are a positive signal. Both that more students want to move here and that the jobs in the north attract. As a university, we continuously work to attract students to our programmes in Norrbotten and northern Västerbotten. Then academia, business, municipalities and the surrounding community must work together to ensure that the students stay with us in the north,” says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Vice-Chancellor at Luleå University of Technology.

Faith in the future for development in the north remains strong

The survey also shows that over half of Swedes (54 %) believe in a stronger development in the north than in the rest of the country, which is an increase of 4 percentage points from last year, and that there will be an increase in population in the region, also an increase of 4 percentage points from last year.

“The development in the north provides exciting opportunities for new thinking. Luleå University of Technology has a key role here. Partly through our research in close collaboration with industry and other actors, partly through our programmes which contribute to securing the skill supply,” says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.

From thought to action

What is required along the way from thought to a life in the north? It is discussed during a conversation that Region Norrbotten is arranging on June 28 in Almedalen under the heading “Migration northwards – from potential to reality”. Among others, Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Vice-Chancellor of Luleå University of Technology, participates, see program.

Read more about the survey on LKAB’s website.

Some of the results:

  1. More than half see northern Norrland as Sweden’s winner. 54 percent (increase by 4 percentage points) of Swedes believe that northern Norrland will develop better than the rest of Sweden. Only 13 percent (decrease of 5 percentage points) believe that it will develop worse.
  2. Awareness of the future investments in the north is increasing sharply. 69 percent (increase by 9 percentage points) are aware of the major future investments mainly in electrification and sustainable iron and steel that are being made in northern Norrland.
  3. Almost four out of five Swedes believe in a population increase in the north. 77 percent (increase of 4 percentage points) believe that the population in northern Norrland will increase in the next 20 years.
  4. Just over one in three Swedes and almost two thirds of young people may consider a move to northern Norrland. 35 percent (increase by 5 percentage points) of Swedes and 62 percent (increase by 21 percentage points) of those between the ages of 18 and 29 may consider moving north if they get a job they want.
  5. Students and job seekers are the ones most interested in a move. 62 percent of students and 51 percent of job seekers may consider moving to northern Norrland.
  6. Nature still attracts the most, but the labor market is the reason that increases the most. 43 percent (a decrease of 8 percentage points) say that it is mainly nature that attracts them. Good opportunities to get work is the second most cited reason and it is stated by 39 percent (increase of 7 percentage points)
  7. Those under 30 are most positive about Norrbotten’s municipalities. 68 percent of those under 30 state one of Norrbotten’s municipalities as their favorite. Luleå is the most popular among these with 36 percent (plus 5 percentage points), second is Kiruna with 17 percent (plus 7 percentage points). Third is Boden with 9 percent (plus 3 percentage points). But if we also include Västerbotten, Umeå is the winner with 47 percent, Skellefteå is as popular as Kiruna with 19 percent.

About the survey:
The survey has been conducted by Novus on behalf of LKAB between 18 and 25 May 2023. The result is based on over 1042 responses, which is a response rate of 63 percent, responses from Novus’ randomly recruited and nationally representative Swedish panel aged 18–79. The result is weighted against SCB in terms of gender, age, education and geography.

This article was produced by Luleå University of Technology

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