🇮🇸 Nordic Climate Ministers discuss Carbfix and CCUS cooperation

By Misha Radkevitch May 15, 2023


By Carbfix

Edda Aradóttir, CEO of Carbfix, was invited to present the company’s CO2 mineralization technology to Nordic Ministers of Environment and Climate in Borgarnes, Iceland, on May 11. The meeting was hosted by Iceland, currently chairing the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The well-received presentation provided an overview of Carbfix’s technology, current operations, and project pipeline, including the ambitious Coda Terminal project which aims to mineralize 3 million tons of CO2 per year in Iceland. Carbfix’s collaborators in the Nordics were also highlighted. After a Q&A session on Carbfix, the Ministers proceeded to discuss various approaches to Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage (CCUS) and how these could contribute to emission reductions and goals of carbon neutrality.

Nordic collaboration on climate issues is important and effective,” said Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Icelandic Minister of the Environment, Energy, and Climate, who chaired the meeting. “We can offer green solutions, from wind power to geothermal energy, from carbon capture to green shipping routes – and we have a strong international voice.

Nordic ministerial declarations have emphasized the importance of Nordic cooperation on CCUS issues. Various studies indicate that the main benefits of cooperation in this field include solving challenges related to transportation, carbon storage and the development of long-term regulatory frameworks.

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