Nordic Council of Ministers: Finding the right balance is key


“We in the Nordic-Baltic region have a lot to offer. We are small open economies. We are filled with innovative power,” says Karen Ellemann, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers. “But one thing we also do a lot is that we regulate.”

In light of its Board of Governors meeting, NIB arranged a “Stronger together – the new geopolitical reality and its impact on the Nordic–Baltic region” seminar to bring together the Bank’s decision-making bodies and distinguished speakers—President of Estonia Alar Karis, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Karen Ellemann, President & CEO of Ericsson Börje Ekholm—for discussions.

“The discussions today show a huge need for further cooperation, but also huge support to making sure that we also have investments ready for the companies really deliver on the green transition, that really deliver on making sure that we are the most integrated and sustainable region in the world,” says Karen Ellemann in her video address.

Watch the message from the Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Karen Ellemann:

Originally published on 25 March by The Nordic Investment Bank.

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