🇸🇪 NYAB wins SEK 66 million contract at Arlanda for Swedavia


Press release from NYAB

NYAB – a fast-growing infrastructure player with Sweden as its largest market, has entered into an agreement with Swedavia for widening taxi runways at Arlanda. The value of the contract is SEK 66 million.

The deal means that NYAB develops Arlanda with wider taxi runways. The work is operationally critical and requires careful planning for the work’s short execution time and high precision. The construction work starts at the end of June and will be completed over 11 weeks.

– It is both inspiring and gratifying to once again get the opportunity to carry out a complex contract for Swedavia. It is a project with great demands on expertise and capacity – which must also be completed in a very short time. I am proud that we have employees with this cutting-edge knowledge and that the company has the capacity to complete critical projects so quickly. It is a complex job that few companies can handle, and NYAB is one of them, says Johan Skoog, Vice President of NYAB and Business area manager Mälardalen.

– The project is about an adjustment of taxiways, which means that the taxiway will be adapted in the future to runway 1 at Airside, Arlanda.
– Runway 1 handles the largest volumes of traffic and is where the largest planes primarily land.
-By making these widenings, Swedavia ensures that they can handle larger flows of aircraft.

Contact person
Johan Skoog
Vice President and Business Area Manager, Mälardalen

Originally published on 8 May.

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