Online workshop “The development of sustainable cruise industry in the Pacific Arctic: Past developments and future prospects”
Online workshop “The development of sustainable cruise industry in the Pacific Arctic: Past developments and future prospects” in cooperation with the 12th J-ARC Net Open Seminar, will take place on December 8-9, 2021, at 14:00–17:00 (Japan time) / 8:00–11:00 (Moscow time).
This workshop brings together researchers, public authorities, private companies, and NGOs companies, and NGOs interested in the economically, environmentally and socially sustainable and responsible cruise tourism inland and sea areas including Hokkaido, the Russian Far East and the Arctic, the Sea of Okhotsk, the North Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea.
The topics that are to be discussed range from environmental protection, management and regulation to social license to operate, port and tourism-related infrastructure, economic feasibility, interregional cooperation and human resource development.
It is hoped that this event will act as a forum for both knowledge production and networking. In other words, it will consolidate the existing knowledge and experience, help to identify the key challenges and opportunities that need further analysis and allow relevant actors from various countries to meet each other.
Organizers: Hokkaido University (J-ARC Net, ArCS II, HaRP)
Co-organizers: Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, UArctic Thematic Network on
the Arctic in Asia, Asia in the Arctic
Target audience: scholars, students and practitioners from Russia, Japan and other Arctic and nonArctic (East Asian etc.) countries.
Format: online (via Zoom)
Languages: English, Japanese, Russian (with simultaneous interpretation)
How to register: Please register via Google Forms by December 1.
Contacts: For inquiries, please contact Hokkaido University Arctic Research Center.
Masato Tanaka mt*****@ar*.jp
Juha Saunavaara ju*************@ar*.jp
Marina Lomaeva m.*********@ar*.jp
This announcement/article was originally posted on the website of UArctic.