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What can we expect from this Arctic Council meeting—and US Arctic policy thereafter? Here are four expert takes

Kelsey Lindsey - 9 May 2017

High North News asked four Arctic experts about priorities for the Trump administration in…

It’s time for an Arctic Council ministerial summit that puts the meat in the meeting

Kelsey Lindsey - 9 May 2017

This week, foreign ministers from Arctic states will gather in Fairbanks, Alaska, to collectively…

Next week’s Arctic Council meeting could be eclipsed by events on the sidelines

Kelsey Lindsey - 5 May 2017

All eyes are on Alaska next week as Fairbanks hosts the 10th biennial Arctic Council…

Secretary of State Tillerson will attend Arctic Council event in Fairbanks

Kelsey Lindsey - 3 May 2017

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will be in Fairbanks on May 10 and 11…

Uncertainty about US climate policy looms over marquee Arctic Council event

Kelsey Lindsey - 1 May 2017

As top diplomats, scientists and other experts prepare to converge on Fairbanks for what’s…

As Finland prepares to take over Arctic Council, Trump presidency has some worried about its future

Kelsey Lindsey - 15 March 2017

Finland appears to have some worries about what will happen to the Arctic Council…

The US Arctic Council chairmanship is winding to a close

Kelsey Lindsey - 15 March 2017

This week, the final leg of America’s Arctic Council chairmanship begins. Some squaring away remains…

Finland prepares to take over Arctic Council leadership — and climate leadership — from US

Kelsey Lindsey - 9 March 2017

When the Arctic Council leadership passes from the United States to Finland in May,…

The Arctic Council deserves a Nobel Peace Prize

Krestia DeGeorge - 21 February 2017

A lot of instability has been inserted into the international system in the past…

For its fifth edition, the Arctic Yearbook turns its attention to the Arctic Council

Krestia DeGeorge - 28 October 2016

If there is one thing that Heather Exner-Pirot and Joël Plouffe want you to…

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