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The massive Norilsk fuel spill could be linked to permafrost thaw, a growing threat to Arctic infrastructure

Melody Schreiber - 8 June 2020

A tank collapse that led to one of the largest ever oil spills in…

Fuel leak risk at Arctic mining site flagged by Russia years before spill

Krestia DeGeorge - 5 June 2020

MOSCOW — A Russian safety watchdog warned a subsidiary of mining giant Norilsk Nickel…

Murmansk gains status as a special economic zone

Krestia DeGeorge - 18 May 2020

The federal Ministry of the Far East and Arctic last week officially approved Murmansk…

Russian Arctic shipping is up by 430 percent in 3 years

Krestia DeGeorge - 2 March 2020

The volume of goods being delivered to and from ports on the Arctic shipping…

Could the Russian industry town Nikel reinvent itself as a tourism hub?

Krestia DeGeorge - 27 January 2020

Russian metal producer Nornickel might invest up to 10.5 billion rubles (€153 million) in…

Moscow adopts a 15-year grand plan for the Northern Sea Route

Krestia DeGeorge - 6 January 2020

By the year 2035, Russia plans to build at least 40 Arctic vessels, upgrade…

Russia’s Nikel smelting plant is slated for closure in late 2020

Krestia DeGeorge - 13 November 2019

Russian mining and smelting giant Nornickel plans to close its nickel smelting plant in…

As a Russian nickel plant faces closure, locals fear for their town’s future

Krestia DeGeorge - 8 November 2019

The toxic smoke that for decades has embraced the borderlands between Russia and Norway…

Why cross-border cooperation is a key to the sustainable development of Arctic cities and towns

Krestia DeGeorge - 16 October 2019

Just as the Arctic is changing rapidly, the historical perception of the Arctic as…

A giant Christmas theme park in northern Finland aims to attract 10 million visitors to the Arctic annually

Krestia DeGeorge - 1 October 2019

Plans for the Republic of Santa Claus theme park north of Rovaniemi include a…

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