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Norway’s Bodø will be a 2024 European Capital of Culture

Krestia DeGeorge - 27 September 2019

With a campaign that emphasized its Arctic location, Norway’s Bodø won the competition to become…

A Russian rocket launch could release debris into Nunavut waters

Krestia DeGeorge - 30 August 2019

A Russian rocket, powered by toxic fuel, launched a satellite into orbit around the…

Iqaluit’s mayor won’t run for re-election this fall

Krestia DeGeorge - 29 August 2019

The mayor of Nunavut’s capital city will not run for re-election this fall. Madeleine…

After 60 years in Alaska, BP announces sell-off and exit from state

Yereth Rosen - 28 August 2019

The oil giant that operates the anchor oil field on the North Slope in…

Canada’s northern governments get more than $1 million to advance gender equality

Krestia DeGeorge - 13 August 2019

Two of Canada’s three northern territories will see funding from a federal initiative to…

Trudeau uses Nunavut to sell reconciliation, conservation as a package deal

Krestia DeGeorge - 8 August 2019

ARCTIC BAY — By the time Justin Trudeau landed in Arctic Bay this past…

Coming soon: a Sámi version of Disney’s ‘Frozen’ sequel

Kevin McGwin - 23 July 2019

After drawing inspiration for elements of their 2013 blockbuster Frozen from the Sámi, Walt Disney…

An Inuit organization is encouraging Nunavut hamlets to reclaim their Inuktut names

Krestia DeGeorge - 22 July 2019

What’s in an Inuktut name? The reclaiming of Inuit history and language, Nunavut Tunngavik…

Facebook faux pas fells popular Nuuk mayor

Kevin McGwin - 12 June 2019

What started with a documentary about child abuse has ended with the resignation of…

Like Denmark and Russia, Canada says its extended continental shelf includes the North Pole

Melody Schreiber - 30 May 2019

Canada filed an extended continental shelf submission last week with the Commission on the…

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