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Bering Sea protection is a boon to Alaskans

Krestia DeGeorge - 3 January 2017

In response to requests from more than 40 tribes in the region, on Dec.…

Canada’s national Inuit group likes Trudeau’s approach to reconciliation

Krestia DeGeorge - 20 December 2016

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement that his government will create permanent bilateral policy…

Utqiaġvik? Barrow? North Slope name change brings tension, division

Krestia DeGeorge - 19 December 2016

UTQIAĠVIK — The whaling hub that most everyone knows as Barrow officially has a new…

Greenland leader’s remarks stir up controversy abroad — and at home

Krestia DeGeorge - 16 December 2016

To get a sense of the controversy that Vittus Qujaukitsoq, Greenland’s foreign minister, has…

Tillerson visited White House often over Russia sanctions

Krestia DeGeorge - 14 December 2016

Rex Tillerson, the ExxonMobil chief who is President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of…

Lofoten sees better future without oil

Krestia DeGeorge - 13 December 2016

To drill or not to drill in the Lofoten waters: That is a question…

Elders thank Obama for Bering Sea designation

Krestia DeGeorge - 12 December 2016

Imarpig. In my Yup’ik language, this means the big water, the ocean. This is…

Obama administration offers parting protections for Alaska waters and tribes

Krestia DeGeorge - 9 December 2016

WASHINGTON — The White House on Friday announced parting protections for portions of Alaska’s…

Inuktut language group to meet with Prince of Wales as part of language revitalization trip

Krestia DeGeorge - 9 December 2016

KUUJJUAQ—“Qanuippit Saali?” Harry Tulugak jokes about how he’ll greet Prince Charles when he meets…

Power shift comes to Sami Parliament

Krestia DeGeorge - 9 December 2016

The government of Aili Keskitalo was Thursday forced to resign as a big majority…

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