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What the rest of the world can learn from Finland’s relations with Russia

Kelsey Lindsey - 6 June 2017

The greatest achievement of Finland’s 100 years of independence? Survival. What has largely been…

Merkel’s European wake-up call is being answered in the Nordics

Kelsey Lindsey - 31 May 2017

With Vladimir Putin in the east and Donald Trump to the west, German Chancellor…

A botanist in Swedish Lapland

Kelsey Lindsey - 19 May 2017

The plan was to retrace part of a journey that Carl Linnaeus made in…

Norway boosts research into international Arctic search and rescue cooperation

Kelsey Lindsey - 18 May 2017

Increasing activity in the High North means governments and agencies must be more prepared…

Arctic Challenge 2017 exercise set for take off

Kelsey Lindsey - 17 May 2017

More than 100 aircraft from 12 nations will crowd the skies over northern Finland,…

From the south, keen interest in the Arctic and the Arctic Council

Kelsey Lindsey - 15 May 2017

Hot, humid India may lie well south of the Arctic Circle, but it has plenty…

US ends Arctic Council chairmanship with reluctance on climate action

Kelsey Lindsey - 11 May 2017

FAIRBANKS — When he opened a meeting of his colleagues from all the Arctic…

Another big win for Russian pipeline politics in Europe?

Kelsey Lindsey - 28 April 2017

A divisive Russian energy project dripping with geopolitical tension reached a major milestone this…

Russia’s Lavrov heads to Finland, Alaska for Arctic talks

Kelsey Lindsey - 27 April 2017

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov travels to Helsinki to meet Foreign Minister Timo Soini…

Security still the main element in Nordic Arctic Strategies

Kelsey Lindsey - 27 April 2017

“The Nordic countries share many political priorities for the Arctic – first and foremost…

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