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At Arctic meeting, Norway, Britain sign deal on increased defense cooperation

Krestia DeGeorge - 10 November 2016

OSLO — NATO allies Britain and Norway agreed on Thursday to beef up their defense…

Nordic countries agree on Arctic dialogue with Russia

Krestia DeGeorge - 8 November 2016

Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg has invited all her Nordic colleagues to Tromsø next…

Nordic, Baltic states firm on Russian sanctions

Krestia DeGeorge - 3 November 2016

Nordic and Baltic prime ministers say their nations will stand firm on sanctions against…

Nordic countries debate mandatory adult education

Krestia DeGeorge - 2 November 2016

Imagine if it weren’t just kids who, by law, had to attend school, but…

Pirate Party surge falls short in Iceland election

Krestia DeGeorge - 30 October 2016

LONDON — The Pirate Party, a radical movement of anarchists and hackers that didn’t…

Russia beefs up Baltic Fleet amid NATO tensions: reports

Krestia DeGeorge - 26 October 2016

MOSCOW/STOCKHOLM — Russia is sharply upgrading the firepower of its Baltic Fleet by adding warships…

Iceland braces for a Pirate Party takeover

Krestia DeGeorge - 24 October 2016

REYKJAVIK, Iceland — The party that could be on the cusp of winning Iceland’s…

Surfing under the northern lights and above the Arctic Circle

Krestia DeGeorge - 20 October 2016

UNSTAD, Norway — This was all new to Tim Matley, a thin and boyishly…

Canada finishes collecting data for its claim to territory on the Arctic continental shelf

Krestia DeGeorge - 3 October 2016

Canada has finished collecting the data it needs to bring its Arctic submission to…

Alaska Natives, international officials gather for White House meeting on Arctic research

Krestia DeGeorge - 28 September 2016

WASHINGTON — Science ministers from 25 nations joined Alaska Natives from the the state’s Arctic…

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