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With glacial melt accelerating, a geoengineering movement gathers momentum

Kevin McGwin - 15 March 2018

Resorting to geoengineering, taking steps to purposely alter the Earth’s climate, to address the…

How Angry Birds and prospects of Chinese funding power visions of the shortest-ever route from China to Europe

Krestia DeGeorge - 13 March 2018

I have just come back from Oulu, a major city in northern Finland, where…

The Week Ahead: Onward and upward

Kevin McGwin - 11 March 2018

In January, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a UN outfit responsible for assessing…

The Week Ahead: Brushing up on their MOSPA

Kevin McGwin - 5 March 2018

Oil spills are nothing to look forward to. Precisely for that reason Finland is…

Miners upbeat ahead of Toronto rite of spring

Kevin McGwin - 2 March 2018

One of the sure signs of spring for miners is the annual PDAC convention.…

The Week Ahead: Point of departure

Kevin McGwin - 25 February 2018

At a time when shipping is the big thing in discussions of Arctic development,…

Ilulissat Two: Why Greenland and Denmark are inviting Arctic governments back this May

Krestia DeGeorge - 22 February 2018

Greenland and Denmark, in something of a surprise move have invited U.S. Secretary of…

Facing growing outside influence, local Arctic leaders seek more cross-border collaboration 

Krestia DeGeorge - 22 February 2018

How can leaders of Arctic towns and cities encourage local development while ensuring their…

Frozen superhighway: How Arctic indigenous organizations can embrace the internet

Krestia DeGeorge - 16 February 2018

The 4,000 residents of Utqiagvik, the northernmost city in the United States, was recently…

Local Arctic leaders in North America hope closer ties will boost development in the region

Krestia DeGeorge - 15 February 2018

Despite their differences, the North American Arctic’s five regional governments find there’s one problem…

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