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Sweden edges up military spending, says more to come

Kelsey Lindsey - 14 March 2017

STOCKHOLM — The Swedish government and part of the political opposition agreed on Monday to…

Meet the Russian autocrat who made the U.S. an Arctic nation

Kelsey Lindsey - 8 March 2017

On March 29, 1867, literally in the middle of the night, diplomats hammered out…

Despite potential, shipments from Europe to Asia transiting the Northern Sea Route remain rare

Kelsey Lindsey - 3 March 2017

Russia is building new Arctic infrastructure and bases, and promotes the Arctic shipping route…

Is Arctic mining poised to make a comeback?

Krestia DeGeorge - 27 February 2017

Beyond geographic location, finding something that all Arctic territories hold in common can prove…

Population declines in Sweden’s North are especially acute in rural areas

Krestia DeGeorge - 23 February 2017

There are now more than 10 million inhabitants in Sweden. Population growth is mainly…

As their foreign minister heads to Russia, new poll shows residents of Norway’s North want better cross-border relations

Krestia DeGeorge - 22 February 2017

A recently published study shows that three out of four residents of Northern Norway wants…

Arctic tourism is growing — but that’s playing out differently around the region

Krestia DeGeorge - 17 February 2017

Barren lands, icebergs and a unique flora and fauna have been attracting more and…

Scientists are trying to predict the impacts of this winter’s weird Arctic weather

Krestia DeGeorge - 16 February 2017

With the most recent blast of exceptionally warm air into the Arctic at the…

Russia aims for ‘Barents Davos’ in Murmansk

Krestia DeGeorge - 8 February 2017

In an interview with TASS, Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov suggested establishing a permanent…

How well do extractive companies operating in the Arctic uphold indigenous rights? A new study investigates

Krestia DeGeorge - 7 February 2017

A new survey conducted suggests that the oil industry is better equipped than the mining…

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