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arctic council - search results

As the Arctic warms, boreal forest fires are becoming a deadlier threat

Krestia DeGeorge - 4 March 2019

As winter begins to loosen its grip on the landscape and thoughts turn to…

Two U.S. bills could advance American presence in the Arctic

Melody Schreiber - 28 February 2019

A pair of bills due to be introduced in Congress later this year could…

Norway will send top minister duo to high-level Russian conference with aim of furthering Arctic dialogue

Krestia DeGeorge - 27 February 2019

Norway’s prime minister and foreign minister will both attend a high-level Arctic meeting in…

The push to phase out heavy fuel oil in the Arctic continues

Krestia DeGeorge - 27 February 2019

A renewed call went out last week to phase out the use of heavy…

Spurred by Chinese and Russian activity, EU President Juncker is making the Arctic more central to EU policy

Krestia DeGeorge - 20 February 2019

Just as it is in Russia and in China, the Arctic is rapidly rising…

U.S. and Iceland boost trade ties, discuss Arctic security

Krestia DeGeorge - 18 February 2019

REYKJAVIK — The United States and Iceland have agreed to set up formal economic…

The Trump administration says it’s sticking to plans for an Arctic refuge oil lease sale by year’s end

Yereth Rosen - 12 February 2019

The Trump administration is on track to sell oil leases in the Arctic National…

Arctic railway not commercially viable, report says

Krestia DeGeorge - 11 February 2019

The Finnish-Norwegian working group exploring a potential Arctic rail corridor connecting Rovaniemi in Finland…

The Arctic Ocean urgently needs environmental protections, says WWF Arctic head

Krestia DeGeorge - 1 February 2019

Environmental advocates warned that the Arctic Ocean needs further protections, and that it is…

Norway raises issue of Arctic GPS jamming with Russia

Krestia DeGeorge - 22 January 2019

Norwegian officials have complained to their Russian counterparts after forces on the heavily militarized Kola…

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