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arctic council - search results

US-Russia reset and the first Arctic head-of-state summit

Krestia DeGeorge - 6 December 2016

Interactions between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump already reflect a…

This is what Russia’s new foreign policy strategy says about the Arctic

Krestia DeGeorge - 5 December 2016

Russia’s new foreign policy strategy, a guiding document for the country’s relations abroad, warns against…

Fishing ban in international Arctic waters remains elusive

Krestia DeGeorge - 5 December 2016

More than a year ago, five Arctic nations signed a declaration pledging to keep…

Trans-Arctic fiber cable can make Kirkenes to high-tech hub

Krestia DeGeorge - 5 December 2016

Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev is set to visit Oulu in northern Finland on Thursday,…

No agreement on Arctic fisheries moratorium

Krestia DeGeorge - 1 December 2016

At least one more round of talks will be necessary for Arctic coastal states…

Prepare for ‘surprise’ as global warming stokes Arctic shifts – scientists

Krestia DeGeorge - 28 November 2016

BARCELONA — Unless the world stops burning fossil fuels that are fueling global warming,…

Russia’s Lavrov turns down Norwegian invitation to Arctic talks in Tromsø

Krestia DeGeorge - 23 November 2016

Norway’s door for Arctic cooperation with Russia stays open, but Russia’s Foreign Minister seems…

Inuvialuit, environmentalists praise new marine protected area in Canadian Arctic

Krestia DeGeorge - 22 November 2016

Environmental organizations and Inuvialuit leaders have praised the creation of a new marine protected…

The Arctic conflict: truth, fantasy or a little bit of both?

Krestia DeGeorge - 18 November 2016

I have been pondering for a long time why many people consider the Arctic…

Will Trump reverse Obama’s Arctic policies? It’s too early to tell

Krestia DeGeorge - 11 November 2016

President Barack Obama has pinned a chunk of his legacy to policies in the Arctic…

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